The Vision Reset Framework

7 steps to reset your vision, engage your team, align your strategy & execute.


If your organisation or team is operating without a clear, inspiring and
strategically-sound vision, this guide is for you.

Framework Overview

We openly share the framework that took LavaBox from flat revenue, to strategic clarity and 72% year-on-year growth within 12 months.

  1. Acknowledge reality - by observing signs that your vision needs to change (or that you need to create one).
  2. Reflect for insight - by selecting the people and strategic tools that will help you clarify your future direction.
  3. Create your Vision Script - a robust, multipage document, written in the present tense, that describes your future reality as if it were today.
  4. Engage your team - by designing and facilitating your vision offsite.
  5. Align strategy and execution - to gain momentum in the critical first quarter after your vision reset.
  6. Integrate your communication - if a vision isn’t shared, it dies. As a leader, it’s up to you to keep the vision alive.
  7. Review your vision annually - although your vision is an intended future destination, it is not solid and static. 

Our hope is that in these pages you find a practical guide to help you and your team chart a course towards a place worth going.

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About the Author

Justin Lanigan

Justin is the Managing Director of LavaBox, a Business & Technology Consultancy that helps make digital transformation a reality for aspirational organisations. LavaBox works alongside clients to create strategic clarity, build digital-era capabilities, optimise business processes, empower users, deliver engaging customer experiences, get data flowing and unleash innovation.
